Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Namiri Plains

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Before Namiri Plains was built, these grasslands were closed for 20 years to allow the cheetah population to restore. The nearest other camps are over an hour’s drive away so you can experience the vast plains all to yourself.


While exploring the grasslands close to Namiri Plains, you might be fortunate enough to come face to face with one of our most beautiful and unique wildcats – Manja, the melanistic serval. He is quite the celebrity in the Serengeti and has been featured globally by the likes of BBC Earth and The Discovery Channel.


Namiri Plains is positioned along the Ngare Nanyuki River in the eastern Serengeti. The vast grassland plains are mostly open, aside from the occasional acacia tree. The hard calcrete layer beneath the topsoil prevents many trees or shrubs from growing here. As it’s one of the few locations in the eastern Serengeti with permanent underground water sources, game viewing is excellent. The seasonal riverbed is where plains game, such as zebras or reedbuck, come to quench their thirst, making it an ideal spot for viewings. It’s no surprise that predators have cottoned on to this, too. Keep an eye out for lions lurking nearby, ready to ambush their next meal


Our game drives depart at the coolest times of day — early morning and late afternoon — when animals are most active. Times differ slightly with the seasons. If you have hired a private vehicle, you can plan your schedule with your guide.

A typical day on safari at Namiri Plains.


Start the day bright and early with a wake-up call and tea or coffee. Enjoy breakfast before you depart for a morning game drive (or have it packed as a picnic to take with you). Arrive back at camp mid-morning, with a chance to freshen up before lunch.

A typical day on safari at Namiri Plains


After a leisurely lunch, enjoy siesta time. Read a book or just relax and soak up the sights and sounds of the bush. Refuel with afternoon tea, then depart for an afternoon/evening game drive with sundowners. You'll be back in time for drinks around the campfire and dinner — the perfect chance to unwind after a long day in the bush.

... winding down.


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